Soju, often dubbed as Korea's national drink, has gained immense popularity across the globe. Its smooth, slightly sweet taste makes it a versatile choice for many, whether enjoyed neat, mixed in cocktails, or paired with food. However, as soju's popularity spreads, many people are curious about how its alcohol content compares to other beverages and how many standard drinks are in a typical bottle. Let's dive deeper into the world of soju to better understand its alcohol content and how to enjoy it responsibly.

What is Soju?

Soju is a clear, distilled spirit traditionally made from rice, although modern variations often use other grains or starches like wheat, barley, or sweet potatoes. It is similar to vodka in appearance but usually has a slightly sweeter taste, owing to the sugar sometimes added during production. Soju’s alcohol by volume (ABV) typically ranges from 12% to 24%, making it less potent than most vodkas but stronger than many beers or wines.

The lower alcohol content is one reason why soju is so popular; it allows for a pleasant drinking experience without overwhelming the senses. This moderate alcohol level, combined with its smooth texture, makes soju an ideal drink for social gatherings, where it can be consumed over a longer period without leading to rapid intoxication.

Understanding Standard Drinks in Soju

In Australia, a standard drink is defined as containing 10 grams (12.5 milliliters) of pure alcohol. Understanding how many standard drinks are in a bottle of soju is important for those who want to manage their alcohol intake.

For instance, a 360ml bottle of Jinro Soju 'Jinro Is Back' 16% contains about 4.5 standard drinks. This means that consuming an entire bottle is equivalent to drinking four and a half standard drinks. Similarly, Chum Churum Soju Original Flavor 16.5% also contains approximately 4.7 standard drinks, given its slightly higher ABV. On the other hand, flavored sojus, which are typically lower in alcohol content, contain fewer standard drinks. For example, a bottle of Chum Churum Strawberry Soju - 12% 360ml would have around 3.6 standard drinks.

It's crucial to keep these numbers in mind, especially when drinking in social settings or if you're considering pairing soju with other alcoholic beverages. For comparison, a standard glass of wine (150ml at 13.5% ABV) typically contains about 1.4 standard drinks, while a regular bottle of beer (375ml at 4.8% ABV) has around 1.4 standard drinks as well. Therefore, understanding these metrics can help you pace yourself and enjoy soju responsibly.

Popular Soju Varieties and Their Alcohol Content

The soju market is incredibly diverse, with numerous brands offering a variety of flavors and alcohol strengths. Here are some popular soju varieties and their alcohol content:

Each of these sojus offers a unique taste experience, and their varying alcohol contents allow you to choose the one that best fits your preference and occasion.

How to Enjoy Soju Responsibly

While soju can be a delightful addition to any social gathering, it’s important to enjoy it responsibly. Given its smooth taste, it can be easy to consume more soju than intended. Here are a few tips to keep your soju experience enjoyable and safe:

  1. Pace Yourself: Soju’s smoothness can make it easy to drink quickly. Remember the number of standard drinks in each bottle and pace your consumption accordingly.
  2. Mix and Match: Consider mixing soju with non-alcoholic beverages like soda, tonic water, or fruit juices to dilute its alcohol content. This can also enhance its flavor and make for a refreshing cocktail.
  3. Pair with Food: Traditional Korean meals often include soju as a complement. Pairing soju with food can slow down alcohol absorption and make the experience more enjoyable.
  4. Know Your Limits: Always be aware of your own tolerance and drink in moderation. It’s okay to enjoy soju, but it’s important to know when to stop.



Soju is a versatile and enjoyable drink, but like all alcoholic beverages, it’s essential to understand its content and consume it responsibly. Whether you’re enjoying a bottle of Jinro Green Grape Soju - 13% ABV, 360ml or trying out the unique Charm Malgeun Vivid Korean Soju Ginseng Flavor 19% - 360ml, knowing how many standard drinks you’re consuming can help you have a safe and enjoyable experience. So, the next time you pick up a bottle of soju, be mindful of its alcohol content and enjoy it in moderation.